Sunday, September 27, 2009

GIS Tips and Tricks

Aubrey Drescher, Geospatial Engineer runs this blog on GIS tips and tricks. Although it doesn't yet have a lot of content, what is there is well organized and thought out. Most of the tips and tricks have screen shots for those of us who are graphically advantaged. She has a great introduction for who are unsure of what exactly GIS is, and explains the more advanced material very well. Check it out.

Agg Data

Check out AggData which has data for almost anything you can think of. Want to know where all the Family Dollar stores are located? They got it. How about Chuck E Cheese? Yup.

From the AggData website:

AggData is short for aggregate data, which means a set of data that is collected together in one place. On this site, the AggData will come in the form of a list of records, where each record has details about a specific object in the group. For example, a set of AggData to describe countries would be a list of every country in the world, perhaps with details such as capital city, land area, population, and so forth. The raw data might look like the following:

Afghanistan, Kabul, 647,500 sq km, 31,056,997
Albania, Tirana, 28,748 sq km, 3,581,655
Algeria, Algiers, 2,381,740 sq km, 32,930,091

and so on. While this information is already publicly available on the web, the advantage of AggData is that the data is collected into one file that is very raw and portable, which makes it easy to integrate into any application or website.

Monday, September 14, 2009

ESRI Shapefile viewer for

ESRI now has a slick viewer for shapefiles found on You can search for data, drag and drop the files, and they will be displayed on a pan and zoom map interface. It also has an identity tool that allows attribute information to be viewed for objects. The display has a slick transparency slider between street and imagery basemap options. Check it out.

Shapefile Viewer

Friday, September 11, 2009

California Wildfire Time-lapse

Amazing time-lapse of the fires down south. Check them out.

Friday, September 4, 2009

California Roadkill Observation SystemCalifornia Roadkill Observation System

Check out this site looking to document roadkill statistics in order to help understand and try to influence the factors that contribute to roadkill. Sign up for an account and help document your finding of roadkill. No more license plate alphabet games, let's look for roadkill! GPS may be required.