Sunday, June 8, 2008

Club Project: Third Millennium Alliance

The GeoSpatial Club is currently assiting the Third Millennium Alliance (3M Alliance), an international nonprofit in the process of preserving and expanding portions of the Jama-Coaque Rainforest in western Ecuador. 3M Alliance’s current 275 acre Jama-Coaque Reserve represents a crucial link in a dwindling conservation corridor connecting the Americas. 3MA is working to expand the reserve to the adjacent 400 acres of rainforest.

The GeoSpatial club is assisting with mapping of the reserve border, corridor assessment, tree species identification, trail placement including lookouts and points of interest. Analysis will also include threats to the reserve, including poaching and illegal timber harvesting. Mapping products generated from the project will assist 3MA with reserve management, promoting conservation of additional tracts of rainforest.

Check out the 3MA website for more information!