Thursday, September 11, 2008

Club Presenting at Sustainability Conference in Chico

Grassroots GIS: Application of Geographic Information Systems and Cartography for Sustainability in Northern Oregon

Humboldt State University Geospatial Club (HSU-GC), in collaboration with BARK (a forest advocacy group), present a geospatial analysis of the proposed Palomar Pipeline, a liquid natural gas (LNG) pipeline that would run from Astoria, Oregon, to a LNG connection in the eastern part of the state that provides natural gas to the California market. HSU-GC focused on potential impacts on wildlife and old growth forest in the Mt. Hood National Forest. BARK field crews are “ground-truthing” HSU-GCʼs findings with GPS location verification.

HSU-GC and BARK worked together to produce maps that would be accessible and meaningful to the public and other stakeholders. BARK's leadership deploys these maps at public rallies and stakeholder meetings to educate participants on the real impacts of the proposed pipeline; the GIS provides a powerful visual aid to decision-makers and citizens. The maps are presented as handouts and projections, and are also available in interactive formats on the Internet.

Conference Website:
GeoSpatial Club Presentation: Saturday, November 8th